The quest mode will have 4 levels of difficultly: easy, medium, hard, and very hard. To begin with you will have 75 random cards to construct your deck. As you win, you will get more cards, booster packs. Also to give you a sense of progression, you will advance in “rank” from “Card Flopper” to “Pro-Tour Winner” to “World Champion.”
I’m trying to make the quest mode long enough but still interesting. The easy difficultly will take 100 matches, medium 150, hard 250, and hard 400. In easy mode you will get a booster pack after every win, medium takes 3 wins, hard takes 6 and very hard requires 9. Right now these numbers are approximate and may be tweaked in the future.
Ideally your opponents would get harder as you advance. In this case you will have the option of playing an opponent with an unknown deck or a generated sealed deck or a random sealed deck, decks that you have built in the sealed deck mode. Hopefully you won’t win all the time with your initial 75 cards, in order to make the game seem a little difficult. (I may have to cut the initial 75 cards down to 50 in order to make things more challenging.)
Hopefully I’ll get done with the quest mode in a week or two.

yeah work on that i just found this awsome piece of game and im loving it but it could be divided into like t2 vintage extended and things like that i just got into magic and i dont know those really old cards
I can't wait for this! One feature that would be very cool also, in addition to getting booster packs, is getting $ after each match won, which would allow you to buy extra cards (certain ones very expensive).
Sounds like fun :)
I agree with Dennis's suggestion for what its worth.
wow! keep up the good work. I enjoy so much MTG forge :)
Not sure why that would make the game more enyoying other than braking the whole concept of questing and adventuring in order to beat the opponents and get their and possibly the greatest cards in the game from them..
I disagree with the economic aspect and $ after encouters.. The only rewards should be the cards + the satisfaction of beating the opponents and accomplishing quests
my 2cents :)
The $ idea makes for a more sophisticated set of choices than simple random ante. It leads to more League-like play and imho is far superior.
Yes, exactly. You might have to play a couple of hundred matches before you get that one card your deck needs, I like the option of having a card shop. This way, you can also sell off certain cards you won't ever need (or have 10+ copies of).
I think the economic aspect lends itself perfectly to this type of "quest" game, just look at Shandalar (although certain super-rare cards you weren't able to buy).
Yes, exactly. You might have to play a couple of hundred matches before you get that one card your deck needs, I like the option of having a card shop. This way, you can also sell off certain cards you won't ever need (or have 10+ copies of).
I think the economic aspect lends itself perfectly to this type of "quest" game, just look at Shandalar (although certain super-rare cards you weren't able to buy).
In order to make things very simple you can't buy indiviual cards. You will get new cards after a certain number of wins. (The harder the game the more wins you have to get in order to get more cards.)
A quest mode is a great idea!
I would play on Easy mode, so I'm wondering how long it would take to play 100 games? Offhand, that seems like a lot for the really casual player.
100 games doesn't seem too long to me. Let's say you play 10 games a day, so you will get to the end in 10 days. The only progression is a different rank like "You Win - World Champion".
Def great work!
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