Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quest Mode - New Version

Well I’m happy to announce that MTG Forge now has a quest mode. The questing is very simple and all menu based but still fun. You start out with a few cards and the more you play, the more cards you get. On easy you get more cards after every game, whether you win or lose, while medium requires that you win or lose 2 games. (I figured that players should always feel like they are progressing whether they are winning or losing.)

The Quest Mode is still very beta and many things need to be ironed out. The computer’s deck names should be like Frodo and Morpheus and the computer should use a wider variety of decks. The Quest Mode isn’t perfect but it is a lot of fun.

Download 03-16 Version

If you are interested in improving the quest mode check out the forums, there are quest discussions going on here and here.


  1. Hey, I just stumbled on your site and what you're attempting is very cool. Just dl'd the latest version of Quest Mode and I'm going to try it out in a bit. Let you know how it went.

  2. I seem to be unable to run it, it claims the jar doesn't have a main class. This likely means the jar wasn't told where the static main was when you made it; looking forward to the quest mode.

  3. It is very good, congratulations,
    if you could walk for the world for buying cards, defeating of enemies and resolving laverints like shandalar, it would be more funny. :(

  4. Ravalox - I just checked the main download and it worked for me. If you are running Windows you can try running the exe which will execute the jar file.

    The quest mode is a work-in-progress and I'm just happy to have any sort of quest mode. I wanted to have a "card shop" but I cut in order to just get something working.

  5. I'm really enjoying this so far. Thanks for bringing back the Shandalar memories.

    Do the opponents you play determine what cards you'll win?

  6. No, you just win random cards.

  7. great job, thank you for everything. Maybe you could add a window showing the cards after a battle won. thank you again


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